
Publié le 31 July 2023

💰📝 What deductions for extraordinary expenses? Discover the possibilities! 💼💡🔍

Understanding tax deductions has never been easier! 💡🧾
1️⃣ What is an extraordinary expense?
Extraordinary expenses are "unavoidable" expenses that have a major impact on the taxpayer's ability to pay tax. They are unusual and cannot be avoided for material, legal or moral reasons. 📉❌
2️⃣ What expenses are deductible?
Among the expenses deductible as extraordinary expenses:
Maintenance of ascendants and descendants 👨‍👧‍👦
Medical expenses not reimbursed by the CNS or health insurance 🏥💊
Costs of legal proceedings as a victim (unfair dismissal, for example) ⚖️💼
Divorce costs 💔⚖️
Child adoption costs 👶🤱
3️⃣ Conditions to be met:
To deduct these expenses, you must provide all the necessary supporting documents to prove the amounts incurred. In addition, these expenses must have a real impact on the household's financial situation and exceed the normal expense threshold based on income and family situation. 🧾💵
Prepare your tax return with confidence and enter the deductions due to you! 🏦💰


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