
Publié le 31 July 2023

🏠💰 Selling your primary residence in Luxembourg - Tips and tricks! 🇱🇺💼🔑

Building up your property assets can be a good investment 💼, but what about selling your main residence in Luxembourg? 🏠💰
1️⃣ Principal residence: What are the conditions?
For your home to be considered your principal residence:
You must be occupying it at the time of sale 🏠🏢
Meet one of the following three conditions:
You have lived there since its acquisition or completion
You have lived there for 5 years prior to the sale
You are selling it for imperative family or professional reasons 👪💼
2️⃣ Are capital gains taxed?
Good news: the capital gain realised on the sale of your principal residence is not taxable! 🎉💰
3️⃣ How do you declare the sale?
Simply complete the first page of form 700 📝💼
For personalised support with your tax return, log on to! 🖥️💼
#venteimmo 🏠 #plusvalue 💰 #résidenceprincipale 🏡 #declarationfiscale 📝 #Luxembourg 🇱🇺


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